Çerez Örnek

Description of the program:
In 2003-2004 academic year, Chemistry Program started to operate in Aliağa Campus of Bergama Vocational 
School. During the first period of its establishment, Aliağa Anatolian Technical and Vocational High School's 
classrooms and laboratories were trained. In 2007-2008 academic year, Aliağa Municipality continued its 
activities at the Aliaga Campus of the Bergama Vocational School in the building it allocated to the Aegean 
University. In 2013, with the decision taken by YÖK, Aliağa Vocational High School continues its education.
 Program Profile:
In the Chemistry Technology Program, in accordance with the Chemical Engineering and Chemistry Department 
education and training programs, a training including both Basic Chemistry and Process applications is provided. 
In this program,
 • have knowledge of basic chemistry,
 • Analyze and interpret the results in the laboratory,
 • Process can follow,
 • Collect and interpret the data of the process,
 • Can use instrumental devices,
 • Have analytical thinking ability,
 • Having knowledge about Quality Management Systems,
 is intended to train qualified personnel.
 Educational Application and Program Facilities
Chemical Technology Program, established with the support of industrialists, continues its activities in the 
chemistry laboratory with a capacity of 60 students.
 Countries' economies are measured by the size of the industrial sector. If the chemical technician's field of study 
is considered to be the chemical sector, the Chemistry Technician is more likely to find work in the regions 
where the sector is located.
 Occupational Profiles of Graduates:
In the Chemistry Technology Program, in accordance with the Chemical Engineering and Chemistry Department 
education and training programs, a training including both Basic Chemistry and Process applications is provided. 
In this program,
 • have knowledge of basic chemistry,
 • Analyze and interpret the results in the laboratory,
 • Process can follow,
 • Collect and interpret the data of the process,
 • Can use instrumental devices,
 • Have analytical thinking ability,
 • Having knowledge about Quality Management Systems,
 is intended to train qualified personnel.

Ege Üniversitesi